Why ng-click is not calling function on button click?

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Why ng-click is not calling function on button click?

Can't get ng-click="speakOut()" to work, it is not calling speakOut function, however ng-click="getCalories()" works perfectly. Any ideas what am I doing wrong?




angular.module('watson', ['ngSanitize'])
.controller('textcntr', function($scope, $http)

$scope.speakOut = function()
$scope.text = document.getElementById("speak").value;

$http.get('https://stream.watsonplatform.net/text-to-speech/api/v1/synthesize?username=xxx&password=xxx=Your search term').success(function(data)
.error(function(data, status)
console.error('Repos error', status, data);


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<h1>Find out calories and serving weight in grams</h1>
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<p><button class="btn btn-primary btn-demo" href="#" ng-click="getCalories()"></i> Search</button></p>

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<h1>App can speak out the searched keyword</h1>
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<div ng-app="watson" ng-controller="textcntr">
<p><button class="btn btn-primary btn-demo" href="#" ng-click="speakOut()"></i> Speak Out</button></p>

<form style="font-size: large;font-family: Chalkduster">
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angular.module('food', ['ngSanitize'])
.controller('foodctrl', function($scope, $http)

$scope.getCalories = function()
$scope.foodName = document.getElementById("calories").value;
//$scope.stateCode = document.getElementById("CodeId").value;
// abbrState(stateCode, 'name');

$http.get('https://api.nutritionix.com/v1_1/search/' + $scope.foodName + '?results=0:1&fields=*&appId=xxx&appKey=xxx').success(function(data)
calories = data.hits[0].fields.nf_calories;
weight = data.hits[0].fields.nf_serving_weight_grams;

$scope.outputCalories =
html: "Result: " + $scope.foodName + ' contains: ' + calories + ' calories and serving weight in grams is: ' + weight + '.'

.error(function(data, status)
console.error('Repos error', status, data);


Why are you getting data from the input using document.getElementById() instead of AngularJS's ngModel?
– Alexander Staroselsky
Sep 6 at 15:37


Note that your html markup is not valid, you have </i> closing tag there inside the <button> element.
– Martin Adámek
Sep 6 at 15:38



@AlexanderStaroselsky I can do that(copied it from my previous project), but my question is why speakOut function not getting called on button click.
– Ika
Sep 6 at 15:39

@MartinAdámek removed that still not working, I have </i> in first button which calls getCalories() function and it works fine. I used bootsrap theme and it had that tag there :)
– Ika
Sep 6 at 15:43

@cale_b thanks will do
– Ika
Sep 6 at 15:44

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