Spring Boot Application cannot run test cases involving Two Databases correctly - either get detached entities or no inserts

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Spring Boot Application cannot run test cases involving Two Databases correctly - either get detached entities or no inserts

I am trying to write a Spring Boot app that talks to two databases - primary which is read-write, and secondary which is read only.



This is also using spring-data-jpa for the repositories.

Roughly speaking this giude describes what I am doing: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-multiple-databases

And this documentation from spring:

I am having trouble understanding some things - I think about the transaction managers - which is making my program error out either during normal operation, or during unit tests.

I am running into two issues, with two different TransactionManagers that I do not understand well


When I use JPATransactionManager, my secondary entities become detached between function calls. This happens in my application running in full Spring boot Tomcat, and when running the JUnit test as SpringRunner.



When I use DataSourceTransactionManager which was given in some tutorial my application works correctly, but when I try to run a test case with SpringRunner, without running the full server, spring/hibernate will not perform any inserts or updates on the primaryDataSource.



Here is a snippet of code for (1) form a service class.

public List<PrimaryGroup> synchronizeAllGroups()
Iterable<SecondarySite> secondarySiteList = secondarySiteRepo.findAll();
List<PrimaryGroup> allUserGroups = new ArrayList<PrimaryGroup>(0);
for( SecondarySite secondarySite: secondarySiteList)
allUserGroups.addAll(synchronizeSiteGroups( secondarySite.getName(), secondarySite));

return allUserGroups;

public List<PrimaryGroup> synchronizeSiteGroups(String sitename, SecondarySite secondarySite)

// GET all secondary groups
if( secondarySite == null)
secondarySite = secondarySiteRepo.getSiteByName(sitename);

logger.debug("synchronizeGroups started - siteId:", secondarySite.getLuid().toString());

List<SecondaryGroup> secondaryGroups = secondarySite.getGroups();// This shows the error because secondarySite passed in is detached
List<PrimaryGroup> primaryUserGroups = primaryGroupRepository.findAllByAppName(sitename);
// modify existingUserGroups to have new data from secondary
primaryGroupRepository.save(primaryUserGroups );
logger.debug("synchronizeGroups complete");
return existingUserGroups;

I am pretty sure I understand what is going on with the detached entities with JPATransactionManager -- When populateAllUsers calls populateSiteUser, it is only carrying over the primaryTransactionManager and the secondary one gets left out, so the entities become detached. I can probably work around that, but I'd like to see if there is any way to have this work, without putting all calls to secondary* into a seperate service layer, that returns non-managed entities.




Here is a snippet of code for (2) from a controller class

public String synchronizesecondary() throws UnsupportedEncodingException
synchronizeAllGroups(); // pull all the groups
synchronizeAllUsers(); // pull all the users
synchronizeAllUserGroupMaps(); // add the mapping table
return "true";

This references that same synchronizeAllGroups from above. But when I am useing DataSourceTransactionManager I do not get that detached entity error.
What I do get instead, is that the primaryGroupRepository.save(primaryUserGroups ); call does not generate any insert or update statement - when running a JUnit test that calls the controller directly. So when synchronizeAllUserGroupMaps gets called, primaryUserRepository.findAll() returns 0 rows, and same with primaryGroupRepository



primaryGroupRepository.save(primaryUserGroups );


That is to say - it works when I run this test case:


@SpringBootTest(classes=app.DApplication.class, properties="spring.profiles.active=local,embedded")
public class MockTest

private MockMvc mockMvc;

public void shouldSync() throws Exception

But it does not do any inserts or updates when I run this test case:


@SpringBootTest(classes=app.DApplication.class, properties="spring.profiles.active=local,embedded", webEnvironment=WebEnvironment.MOCK)
public class ControllerTest

@Autowired AdminController adminController;
public void shouldSync() throws Exception
String o = adminController.synchronizesecondary();

Here are the two configuration classes

@EntityScan(basePackageClasses = app.primary.dao.BasePackageMarker.class )
transactionManagerRef = "dataSourceTransactionManager",
entityManagerFactoryRef = "primaryEntityManagerFactory",
basePackageClasses = app.primary.dao.BasePackageMarker.class
public class PrimaryConfig

@Bean(name = "primaryDataSourceProperties")
public DataSourceProperties primaryDataSourceProperties()
return new DataSourceProperties();

@Bean(name = "primaryDataSource")
public DataSource primaryDataSourceEmbedded()
return primaryDataSourceProperties().initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();

public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean primaryEntityManagerFactory(
EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
@Qualifier("primaryDataSource") DataSource primaryDataSource)
return builder

public DataSourceTransactionManager dataSourceTransactionManager( @Qualifier("primaryDataSource") DataSource primaryDataSource)
DataSourceTransactionManager txm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(primaryDataSource);
return txm;

And Secondary:

@EntityScan(basePackageClasses=app.secondary.dao.BasePackageMarker.class ) /* scan secondary as secondary database */
transactionManagerRef = "secondaryTransactionManager",
entityManagerFactoryRef = "secondaryEntityManagerFactory",

public class SecondaryConfig

private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecondaryConfig.class);

@Bean(name = "secondaryDataSourceProperties")
public DataSourceProperties secondaryDataSourceProperties()
return new DataSourceProperties();

@Bean(name = "secondaryDataSource")
public DataSource secondaryDataSourceEmbedded()
return secondaryDataSourceProperties().initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();

public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean secondaryEntityManagerFactory(
EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
@Qualifier("secondaryDataSource") DataSource secondaryDataSource)
return builder

public DataSourceTransactionManager secondaryTransactionManager( @Qualifier("secondaryDataSource") DataSource secondaryDataSource)
DataSourceTransactionManager txm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(secondaryDataSource);
return txm;

In my real application, the secondary data source - since it is read-only - is used during real run time, and during the unit test I am writing.

I have been having trouble getting spring to initialize both data sources, so I have not attached a complete example.

thanks for any insight people an give me.

Edit: I have read some things that say to use Jta Transaction Manager when using multiple databases, and I have tried that. I get an error when it tries to run the transaction on my second read-only database when I go to commit to the first database

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: prepared transactions are disabled
Hint: Set max_prepared_transactions to a nonzero value.

In my case, I cannot set that, because the database is a read-only datbase provided by a vendor, we cannot change anything, and I really sho9udn't be trying to include this database as part of transactions, I just want to be able to call both databases in one service call.

You have the method annotated with @Transactional this means it uses the primary transaction manager. Is that really what you want?
– Simon Martinelli
Aug 13 at 16:08

@SimonMartinelli - Because the other database is readonly, the only database that needs transaction functionality is the primary database. I believe that is the problem using JpaTransacitonManager, the entities for the second datasource get detached in calls from one @transactional function to another, since it is only the primaryTransactionmanager that is active.
– Matthew Carlson
Aug 13 at 22:47


Yes this is the behavoir
– Simon Martinelli
Aug 14 at 8:12

@SimonMartinelli - this does appear to be the behavior with JpaTransactionManager. What i would like to find out is why the same code does not throw this error with DataSourcetransactionManager, and wether ther are any supported ways to explicitly allow the read-only database to maintain the session, throughout the read-write databases transactions.
– Matthew Carlson
Aug 14 at 16:41



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