jquery datatable disable sort in specific row

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jquery datatable disable sort in specific row

How to disable sorting in specific row/column in jquery datatable using a class?

here's my sample table;

<th class="sorting_disabled">Title1</th>
<th class="">Title2</th>
<th class="sorting_disabled">Title3</th>
<tr><td>Tag 1</td><td>Date 1</td><td>Date 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tag 2</td><td>Date 2</td><td>Date 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tag 3</td><td>Date 3</td><td>Date 3</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tag 4</td><td>Date 4</td><td>Date 4</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tag 5</td><td>Date 5</td><td>Date 5</td></tr>


$('.sortable thead tr th.sorting_disabled').livequery(function()

above code works but if I click to the next column who has a sorting its shows again an arrow. though its not clickable ;(

How can I disable the sorting by using a class and not using/redraw a table.

what is meant by sorting here??
– Naveen Kumar Yadav
Jun 13 '12 at 8:59

above code is just a sample table :) Ive edit it already..
– mrrsb
Jun 13 '12 at 9:03

You can set bSortable to false for those columns, in aoColumns def. Check this example, sorting is disabled on first and second column live.datatables.net/awizop/edit#preview
– Prasenjit Kumar Nag
Jun 13 '12 at 9:18



I know Sir, but the given code always set in the first column though we can set it by its script. below answer may used as a dynamic code for a class who has a 'sorting_disabled'.
– mrrsb
Jun 13 '12 at 9:24

9 Answers

You can disable the sorting using a class in definition.
Just add this code to the datatable initialization:

// Disable sorting on the sorting_disabled class
"aoColumnDefs" : [
"bSortable" : false,
"aTargets" : [ "sorting_disabled" ]

"aoColumnDefs": [
'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [ 1 ]

That should do it..;)

try the following answer .it works for me.

<table class="tablesorter" id="tmp">
<th>Total Visitors</th>
<tr class="no-sort">

source : http://blog.adrianlawley.com/tablesorter-jquery-how-to-exclude-rows

<th class="sorting_disabled">&nbsp;</th>

$(document).ready(function ()
"aoColumnDefs": [

"bSortable": false,
"aTargets": ["sorting_disabled"]


I hope below code works in your case.

"aoColumns": ["bSortable": false, null,"bSortable": false]

You need to disable sorting via "bSortable" for that specific column.

"aoColumns": [
"bSortable": false ,
"bSortable": false

I came with almost the same solution like in the question, but I used the "fnHeaderCallback". As far as I understood, it gets called after each header redisplay, so no more worries about 'sorting' class that appears again after clicking on column next to target column.

"fnHeaderCallback": function()
return $('th.sorting.sorting_disabled').removeClass("sorting").unbind("click");


Additional documentation about callbacks: http://datatables.net/usage/callbacks

The only solution:
First add class="sorting_disabled" to any<th> that you want to disable sorting, then add this code to the datatable initialization:



// Disable sorting on the sorting_disabled class
"aoColumnDefs" : [
"bSortable" : false,
"aTargets" : [ "sorting_disabled" ]
"order": [
[1, 'asc']

this code worked for me in react.

in row created i added fixed-row class to the row i wanted to stay fixed and not sortable and i drawcallback i hid the row then i appended it to the table itself.

Hope this works for you:

dom: '<"data-table-wrapper"t>',
data: data,
"emptyTable": "Loading ...",

ordering: true,
order: [0,'asc'],
bFilter: true,
header: true
iDisplayLength: 100,
scrollY: '79vh',
ScrollX: '100%',
scrollCollapse: true,
"drawCallback": function( settings )
var dataTableId = $("#To_Scroll_List").find(".dataTables_scrollBody table").attr("id");
$("#"+dataTableId+"_wrapper table").find('tbody tr:last').after($('.fixed-row'));
createdRow: function (row, data, index)
if(data.UnitsPerLine == 999)

initComplete: function (settings, json)

$("#"+dataTableId+" thead tr").remove();


DatatableSearch(dataTableId+"_wrapper table", "AverageUnitsPerLineReport");


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