Poco::File .remove(bool recursive = false); should have option .remove(bool recursive = false, bool preservetopdir);
Poco::File .remove(bool recursive = false); should have option .remove(bool recursive = false, bool preservetopdir);
A POCO request. I have a situation where a directory cannot be deleted (access rights), but the content is mine. I can call Poco::File .remove(true) on this directory which does indeed delete all the content of the directory, but the call always throws an exception as the dir itself cannot be deleted. So I have to frustratingly parse through the directory and remove each item individually. A simple "preserve the top level directory" parameter would make my day.
If anyone hears this and agrees, thanks!!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a feature request, which belongs to the repository issues list.
– Alex
Aug 9 at 0:08
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Try GitHub issues: github.com/pocoproject/poco/issues
– Alex
Aug 9 at 0:06