Playing a wav file using pulseaudio APIs?

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Playing a wav file using pulseaudio APIs?

For example, this is how to use pulseaudio:

but I'm not clear on how I can simply play a wav file or an ogg file for that matter.

2 Answers

The example code will play raw PCM data from a file. The trick is getting the data from a wav file into this format. The Microsoft wav files look like this:

Wav files just store raw PCM data. You just have to strip the header off the wav file and dump the rest into a file (extension is irrelevant, but I like to use .raw). That is, you can write a program that either: copies everything past byte 44 into a new file, or just read everything after that directly into a buffer. Pass either format to the pulseaudio example and you should be good to go.

Things to look out for: the endianness of the file and your system; bitdepth; number of channels. These are in the wav header and you may have to read them and tell pa_simple before you play the data. Although, I'm not sure if pa_simple detects this information for you. I like to work with the asynchronous implementation and there I just input the format directly.


linux-commands-examples - pacat

pacat --list-file-formats

aiff AIFF (Apple/SGI)
au AU (Sun/NeXT)
avr AVR (Audio Visual Research)
caf CAF (Apple Core Audio File)
flac FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
htk HTK (HMM Tool Kit)
iff IFF (Amiga IFF/SVX8/SV16)
mat MAT4 (GNU Octave 2.0 / Matlab 4.2)
mat MAT5 (GNU Octave 2.1 / Matlab 5.0)
mpc MPC (Akai MPC 2k)
oga OGG (OGG Container format)
paf PAF (Ensoniq PARIS)
pvf PVF (Portable Voice Format)
raw RAW (header-less)
rf64 RF64 (RIFF 64)
sd2 SD2 (Sound Designer II)
sds SDS (Midi Sample Dump Standard)
sf SF (Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL)
voc VOC (Creative Labs)
w64 W64 (SoundFoundry WAVE 64)
wav WAV (Microsoft)
wav WAV (NIST Sphere)
wav WAVEX (Microsoft)
wve WVE (Psion Series 3)
xi XI (FastTracker 2)

explain more about your answer and how it's going to solve the problem.
– eFarzad
Aug 13 at 5:29

pacat was already identified for playback. List of file formats confirm either wav or ogg can be used with --file-format option listed. Link is online version of 'man pacat'
– nik gnomic
Aug 13 at 6:21

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