How can you change the block relation line colors in VS Code

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How can you change the block relation line colors in VS Code

I am trying to see if you can update the colors for each block relation line. Similar to how Bracket Pair Colorizer works. Nothing is more annoying than tracking the same color line down. As you can see in the pic they are all light gray. I would like a couple of different colors... like grandparent = light green, parent light blue, child light red - repeat down. Is this possible?

enter image description here

What's wrong with the Bracket Pair Colorizer extension? It only highlights one line in color at a time?
– Alex Myers
14 hours ago

No, you can only separately color the active indent guide with "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#fff8", "editorIndentGuide.background": "#fff0", Here I have all indent guides transparent except the active indentguide. You will have to use some extension otherwise.
– Mark
12 hours ago

@AlexMyers when you're coding HTML or tagbased the bracket pair doesn't apply... unless there is a setting somewhere.
– RooksStrife
16 mins ago

Oh I see. Despite the attached HTML image, I did not think to test it in HTML.
– Alex Myers
10 mins ago

1 Answer

The Bracket Pair Colorizer extension can be configured to work with HTML. Below is their sample configuration. Copy it into your settings.json and modify the colors as you wish.

"bracketPairColorizer.consecutivePairColors": [
["<", "</"],
["<", "/>"],


enter image description here

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