Change files & photos folders to one storage folder in laravel filemanager
Change files & photos folders to one storage folder in laravel filemanager
Inside laravel file manager we have config.lfm file where we have default values:
'base_directory' => 'public',
'images_folder_name' => 'storage',//-was photos
'files_folder_name' => 'storage',//-was files
'shared_folder_name' => '',//-was shares
'thumb_folder_name' => 'thumbs',
When I change this I still get photos and files folders, I can't find where is stored to be those two folder names I look up to all files in vendorunisharplaravel-filemanagersrc
Any help?
(Can't find any tags for laravel file manager)
1 Answer
I did it by changing this function $prefix
and $base_directory
public function getPathPrefix($type)
$default_folder_name = 'storage';
if ($this->isProcessingImages())
$default_folder_name = 'storage';
//$prefix = config('lfm.' . $this->currentLfmType() . 's_folder_name', $default_folder_name);
$prefix = 'storage';
//$base_directory = config('lfm.base_directory', 'public');
$base_directory = 'public';
if ($type === 'dir')
$prefix = $base_directory . '/' . $prefix;
if ($type === 'url' && $base_directory !== 'public')
$prefix = config('lfm.url_prefix', config('lfm.prefix', 'laravel-filemanager')) . '/' . $prefix;
return $prefix;
//return 'storage';
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